MHRA Need to move quickly on Regulations to Stop Harm to Babies

MHRA Need to move quickly on Regulations to Stop Harm to Babies

The drugs now causing birth defects are anti epilepsy drugs, with the ingredient sodium valproate. The defects are varied but include spina bifida, cleft palate, and neuro-developmental disorders. The drugs including Epilim, used since 1978, and associated with Fetal Anticonvulsant Syndrome (FACS), and birth defects for almost as long as it has been available. The characteristic facial features are a thin upper lip, small crowded teeth and wide nasal bridge. Whilst the effect of sodium valproate is not the dramatic loss of limbs, as is the case with Thalidomide, the effects are life limiting and debilitating.

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My Story

I was too late but I want others to know the truth and to get the right advise.

Emma Friedmann of says

DO NOT STOP TAKING YOUR MEDICATION and READ the PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET ask your doctor to explain it to you, it’s been updated quite a few times in the last couple of years.
Also read the NICE guidelines [2012] and the updated BNF.
Epilepsy treatment advice has been changed to reflect developing scientific knowledge showing 40% chance of birth defect in babies exposed to Epilim. Unfortunately the UK medicine regulator (MHRA) refuse to issue warnings so GPs still aren’t being advised. This is why are protesting. We as patients should be able to make an informed decision and this isn’t being provided at the moment. Meeting on 3rd Sept with Health Minister Norman Lamb MP to discuss this issue.”

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